Current "Our City Tomorrow" website layout
Pros: Nice colour palette, good introductory banner, very simple easy to navigate website... the layout of Challenges first and Planning second leads quite naturally and chronologically I think
Cons: Too text heavy I think? Could do with some more graphics
Infographic: The New York Skyline (Nat Geo)
As the user scrolls across, introduces a view of existing buildings (grey) and buildings that are scheduled to go up, a kind of future projection on top of what exists already. This approach could be interesting for OCT because of its use of "projected" or futurely planned stuff to go on top of what already exists in Wellington and what they are wanting to put onto it...
- Note - the information I have to present is fairly speculative and less concrete, lends itself to not that much interactivity?
Interactive Article: Generation Screwed (Huffpost)
For the main article you scroll down through the sections, and subsections you can scroll across. The article goes into a variety of graphic styles, engaging movements w javascript etc etc to keep the viewers interest, and to supplement the content.
Infographic: The Future of Car Sharing
Another scroll-across interactive infographic that takes the user through the future of car sharing. Has headings and sub headings. Another cool approach.
There is the potential for more than one scrolly across part, perhaps?...
!! Would it work on mobile as well? Important
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