Saturday 13 January 2018

Prototyping + Notes

Waaaaay too big!!! Need to be able to access each point of the menu while reading each section.. 

- Good nav system for the sub points, can see everything and go on to the next menu item

-maybe needs more colour? 

- The "issues" and "outcomes" need to be way more obvious, they are more important hierarchically and so need to be more obvious. 

- Much better size but still needs some adjustment... should I do maybe some buttons at the top, one "issue" and one "outcome"...? hmmmmm Or a button at the bottom of the issues page that leads to "outcomes" ... maybe need that in the big thingy at the top. uh...

like this? 

- Apparently an Intro paragraph is a very good idea because otherwise people have no idea what you are talking about! 

- ! Make sure text lines up on each page... ! Standardise all illustration sizes

Wednesday 10 January 2018


Potential layouts and organisational systems for the webpage. 

Icons representing the four main points that the user can click on to get a more in depth view or not... 

Thinking maybe the "visions" should be at the end, before a "challenges" section? 

Precedents + Interactive Informational Content

Current "Our City Tomorrow" website layout 

Pros: Nice colour palette, good introductory banner, very simple easy to navigate website... the layout of Challenges first and Planning second leads quite naturally and chronologically I think

Cons: Too text heavy I think? Could do with some more graphics


Infographic: The New York Skyline (Nat Geo)

As the user scrolls across, introduces a view of existing buildings (grey) and buildings that are scheduled to go up, a kind of future projection on top of what exists already. This approach could be interesting for OCT because of its use of "projected" or futurely planned stuff to go on top of what already exists in Wellington and what they are wanting to put onto it...

- Note - the information I have to present is fairly speculative and less concrete, lends itself to not that much interactivity?

Interactive Article: Generation Screwed (Huffpost)

For the main article you scroll down through the sections, and subsections you can scroll across.  The article goes into a variety of graphic styles, engaging movements w javascript etc etc to keep the viewers interest, and to supplement the content.

Infographic: The Future of Car Sharing

Another scroll-across interactive infographic that takes the user through the future of car sharing. Has headings and sub headings. Another cool approach.
There is the potential for more than one scrolly across part, perhaps?...

!! Would it work on mobile as well? Important

Webpage Process


  • Review the attached summary document from some engagement work related to a project we're doing with Wellington City Council. Then once you've digested it, think about how you'd present the key information as a single page for a website. And then mock it up! :-)
  • The mock up doesn't have to be perfect, or brilliant design, we just want to understand your process and what you deemed important, and see how you decided to present the information (imaging that your audience is the general public).
So needs:
- To be a single webpage
- needs hierarchy of information and a system of which the key info is organised
- needs design to aid the users digestion of the information  

What is the most important information on this document?

- The challenges of wellington, or what they believe that wellington city council should focus on. Meaning "areas of focus" or "themes". 
- The key areas of focus for the participants were: Transport, natural hazards, population growth, and green space.  
- Under these four headings comes some sub information detailing more on the heading, and elaborating on specific concerns

As most of the things brought forward from participants were "outcomes focused", there are 2 ways I could approach laying the information out to an audience - from a challenge focused perspective, i.e. "climate change is coming, this is an issue we need to address" versus, "residents said they wanted to have a more resilient city"... etc etc

Probably start with the problem, end with the desired outcome? This is how the document is laid out...

    Tuesday 17 October 2017

    First working iteration of the app




    Notes from latest round of user testing

    - Text could be a little bit bigger 
    - maybe make more things clickable? 
    - need a back button on the room home pages to get back to the overview of the house
    - make it more obvious that the graphs are measuring the climate in the house 
    - text on graph + menu bigger probably 

    Wednesday 20 September 2017

    Work over the break + Week 7

    The work I did over the break + week 7.

    Advising with Tristam
    • Process work is important - if you have a lot of process work, as long as you tell a story with your product, concept or whatever it will be the way to communicate your journey through the semester. 
    • The depth of the product also. 
    • They do want to hear about the journey but in a condensed way... all parts. A story. 
    • My description of the product + visual aids
    -- watch the story of a plastic spoon by Greenpeace

    Create user journeys related to the situation

    Things I need to do continuing on:
    • Start the 1500 word report that is due along with our final output
    • Plan out precisely my output schedule for the next 6 weeks 
    • Need a website probably that would reach out to both tenants and landlords 
    Week 7 Schedule here:

    Saturday 16 September 2017

    Transmedia Touchpoints + Appearance of inSite

    So as part of my "transmedia" campaign, I would probably have to make a website for inSite... the hardcore version of that would be actually make a working one that people could look at, the less hardcore version would be just mocking one up and putting it on InVision.

    Transmedia touchpoints

    the app
    physical box thing that actually measured shit in your house
    even some ads?  


    My website would only have to be pretty basic, essentially explaining the benefits and features of inSite to the viewer and encouraging them to buy it... it could look something like this in fact.

    Screen interface and appearance of the house insert

    I've been looking at some precedents to explore how my actual thing would look, like on the wall, and that would be cool if I could have an example of it in my final presentation. (precedents: Nest home automation, fitness apps, weather apps). 

    Data Visualisation


    Depending on the government at the time, I would propose that this could be a subsidised program rolled out along with new regulations around renting, to encourage landlords to get ahead of the new regulations and take care of their house in the best way. 
    The pull would be that it was data-regulated for optimum preservation of the landlord's asset and that it would be better than traditional property managers.  
    "A switched-on property manager. Literally." 
    "Anticipate issues before they have a chance to arise..." 
    "Property managers aren't regulated. inSite is."