Wednesday 20 September 2017

Work over the break + Week 7

The work I did over the break + week 7.

Advising with Tristam
  • Process work is important - if you have a lot of process work, as long as you tell a story with your product, concept or whatever it will be the way to communicate your journey through the semester. 
  • The depth of the product also. 
  • They do want to hear about the journey but in a condensed way... all parts. A story. 
  • My description of the product + visual aids
-- watch the story of a plastic spoon by Greenpeace

Create user journeys related to the situation

Things I need to do continuing on:
  • Start the 1500 word report that is due along with our final output
  • Plan out precisely my output schedule for the next 6 weeks 
  • Need a website probably that would reach out to both tenants and landlords 
Week 7 Schedule here:

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