Wednesday 15 March 2017

Knowledge Management

The importance of evidence based design. 

  • get a solid base of knowledge - helpful for quality control etc etc. 
  • what is robust and good evidence? 
  • for the product to solve the problem it is supposed to solve… build your project on a good foundation. 
  • Crowdsourcing our way to better government… politics
  • think about class factors… discrimination based on your medium being accessible for everybody. i.e. app dependent on having enough money to have a smartphone to help this!! 
  • Always start from the bottom up not the top down

Feasibility? Utility? Valid? 

initial fertilisation -> developmental growth -> production -> evaluation + regeneration

  1. Must understand the user. be valid and work in the way they will live their life. 
  2. Ethical concern around the research + product 

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