Saturday 11 March 2017

Workshops Week 2 - Notes

Play Theory + Semiotic Theory.

Play Theory - This activity will look at how play and game theory can be used to explore challenges in unique ways.  When play is used to address problems, people open up and think differently, and usually more creatively. We will test run three activities that look at mis-communication, brain-writing (the quiet cousin of brain-storming), and dot voting – setting up a game to observe behaviour. All materials will be provided.

Semiotic Theory - Finding the design. Discursive, conversational, and potentially involving swearing, this workshop aims to help you locate the visual core, angle or issue in your nascent project. Various methods of analysis - semiotic, rhetorical, cultural - will be deployed, lateral approaches will be applauded, and speculative enquiry will be encouraged. Resources: Pens, perhaps, and a preparedness to participate.

Notes from both workshops

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