Saturday, 15 April 2017

Existing Precedents

Services and media for tenants that already exist.

Precedent - Tenants Protection Association (Christchurch.) 
An organisation sponsored/funded by lots of other random businesses and charities, to protect and advise tenants in New Zealand. Not funded by the Govt. 

Strengths - On the side of the tenant, specifically for tenants. Free.  
Weaknesses - Specific to only one region of New Zealand. 
Opportunities - Expand to other regions, use what is working from this? 

Precedent- The Tenancy Tribunal
A part of the "tenancy services" provided by government, specifically for mediating cases and solving disputes between landlord + tenants. 

"The Tenancy Tribunal can formalise what is agreed at mediation, or can make a ruling on an issue that can’t be resolved and issue an order that is legally binding on the parties involved in the dispute."
A division of the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment.

Strengths - A division of government - has funding and stuff, official, etc. Well established thing?
Weaknesses - Long and onerous process, nothing gets done, by the time they make a decision all parties have moved out and nothing can be done? Mostly landlord geared, as mostly landlords lodge disputes against their tenants. "Of the 19,095 applications made this year, 16,808 were from landlords." thats 88%. Not geared towards supporting tenants, who are the more vulnerable group. 
Tenants record with the tenancy tribunal can be shared with landlords who can then discriminate against them. 
Opportunities - to provide a section of their service that is more tenant focused, and provide links to tenant advocates?


Precedent - Rate My Flat

Strengths - A free and "open-source" (not affiliated to any other service or organisation) service for tenants to rate their landlords and flats. A sort of counter-strike to the tenant database that landlords keep on their tenants. Anyone can join and log information. 
Weaknesses- Limited engagement... the information is not vetted. The fact that it is independent and not affiliated means limited advertising channels, and non funded by any business. 
Opportunities - An ID system to ensure that the information is accurate? 

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