Mediation process - itemise, work shit out, onerous and difficult, at that point… unfriendly emails, building an atmosphere of hostility, not holistic + humanistic. Mediation process itself. Just real crappy process. No wonder tenants don’t use it, intentionally unusable and confrontational. Adversarial process. Investigative model, burden falls on judge, if the tenancy tribunal was for the tenancy to continue afterwards. Collaborative vs adversarial.
Tenancy Tribunal is designed in a way that subtlety focus on the landlords… thats how its happened to be designed. Address the imbalance, the obstacles. Itemised list… of financial penalty? Tenancy tribunal hearing. The district court… does it even need to be like that? How does that affect a tenant in this process. Redesigning the process. .com
A business/social enterprise, you can submit a maintenance request through this, use of tradesmen compensation etc. Third party??
So question is how could you design the tenancy tribunal process to be more towards keeping and preserving a tenancy?
- what specifically about it makes it serve landlords and not serve tenants?
- how could the process be changed to help tenants better?
- What other external media could help tenants in their tribunal process?
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