Friday 15 September 2017

Supercrit notes from week 6 + the 10/5 Post Supercrit Report

#Supercrit Report - 10/5

1) I found the lecturer critique useful
2)   I intend to make a prototype of the app for both tenant and landlords’ usage, and plot out the scope of my project for the now vs future vs far future representations of my project and what final outputs might happen for each of these.  
3)  There was actually less peer critiquing than happened at the previous supercrit. The quality of projects were quite wide ranging from what I saw. I got to make some cool earrings at Hannah’s booth which was my favourite thing about the supercrit.

Supercrit Notes


  • How to manage the property better
  • Collaborative experience for tenant and landlord
  • How as a tenant and landlord you can do the best thing for each other 
  • Government subsidised product. 
  • E.g. "using this product will make your tenants more likely to take care of your house in future."
  • Go crazy with this... lasers etc (make it very flashy and futuristic)
  • IOT (the internet of things)  
  • Nest Labs...
  • Council "stickers" not safe for habitation or indicative of how safe it is? Like a ratings thing but maybe in a digital format 
  • Smart buildings and smart houses
  • Monthly report to the landlord...
  • Don't fall into the black hole of privacy issues, within a landlord-tenant context
  • What would the project look like if you are doing it now, tomorrow, and in the future? 
  • How big is my scope? 

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